Kate Meinecke HOPE. Hope was what I held onto each day, week, month, year. Every year that passed vanished without the fulfillment of my most desired dream, my dream of becoming a mother. I craved to start a family. For three years, I waited. I cried. I was consumed. Clomid came first. … [Read more...]
Learning to Survive, Learning to Thrive: Hailey’s Journey with PKU
Learning to Survive, Learning to Thrive: Hailey's Journey with PKU Jen Peters We were finally home, enjoying our first Sunday morning together as a family of four. Hailey was just three days old and all snuggled up with her daddy. In between sips of {cold} coffee and watching Mickey Mouse … [Read more...]
From One to Two: Adjusting to Motherhood the Second Time Around
Aubrey Hepker When I found out I was pregnant with my second baby I cried. I cried for many reasons. I cried because I felt like I was going to lose my (then) 11 month old son to his sibling, or worse, he would feel like he … [Read more...]
Maternal Mental Health Week Guest Blog: Real Motherhood
Real Motherhood By: Emily Allen Those of you who know The Office likely remember the cold opening when Jim faxes messages to Dwight… from himself… from the future. Cue Dwight running to smack the “poisoned” coffee from Stanley’s hand. Five years into this motherhood gig, I wish I … [Read more...]